
Elizabeth has extensive experience presenting at local, state, and national conferences as well as providing training for groups seeking to understand how to implement and improve their trauma informed care (TIC) approach. Beginning with a harm reduction foundation, Elizabeth is committed to ensuring those with lived experience have a voice in the systems they are engaged with. In 2014, Elizabeth was selected to participate in the TransAtlantic Exchange Program and studied Psychologically Informed Environments (PIE) in London’s homeless system. She sees PIE as complimentary to TIC for housing specific organizations. Often using art as a way to heal from traumatic experiences, Elizabeth is passionate about helping people on their own healing journeys through addressing vicarious trauma, burnout, and compassion fatigue.


Elizabeth is an expert in and provides training on:

  • Trauma Informed Care (TIC)

  • Vicarious Trauma, Burnout & Compassion Fatigue

  • Harm Reduction

  • Psychologically Informed Environments (PIE)

  • Engaging wellness thru art

    Elizabeth has trained groups of community advocates, as well as city, county, and federal employees.

Coaching & Facilitation

Elizabeth has vast experience in organizational leadership, leading teams, developing programs, community building, policy advocacy, as well as 15 years of clinical experience as a former Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). Elizabeth is passionate about supporting folks through challenging times and helping them develop their own strategies and solutions towards their greatest possible health & wellness.

Socially Engaged Art

Elizabeth serves on the Advisory Board for A Window Between Worlds (, is a trained AWBW facilitator, and authored the Rooted In Purpose session for AWBW’s Wellness In the Workplace Toolkit. From individual sessions that explore healing through creative expression, to group workshops, to coordinating large scale community art projects, Elizabeth has been participating in socially engaged art for over two decades.

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